Saturday, July 30, 2011

Big Brother Update: Day 27

Another Live Eviction and another member of "The Regulators" was sent packing, as the House Guests voted 7-1 to evict Dominic Briones.  I haven't watched Big Brother for long (I'm into my 3rd season; I'm sure I've mentioned this before), but it's safe to say that "The Regulators" are officially the WORST ALLIANCE EVER!!  Keith, Cassi and now Dominic; all gone.  The reason Lawon has survived thus far is because he's done a good job flying "under the radar".

With Daniele pushing hard for Brendon & Rachel to " backdoor" Jeff & Jordan, Dominic ended up as "collateral damage" due to his association with her; a little something we like to call "guilt by association" (Strike One).  Dominic was already low on numbers, and whatever deals he tried to make with "Brendon & Rachel" didn't matter as he was already the target for eviction.  So you have to wonder why he agreed to throw the POV competition (Strike Two).  The final nail in the coffin came when he confided to Shelly about the plan to backdoor "Jeff & Jordan", failing to take into account that Shelly and Jordan have bonded rather well (STRIKE THREE; YOU'RE OUT!!).  

I'll give Dominic some credit, as he was the only newbie that at least tried to stand up against the alums, but couldn't really get help from anyone.  Just like Keith, he found out what happens to strong competitors who just happen to be on the wrong side of the fence.  It's like an unwritten rule, but the stronger players carry the bigger targets, unless they can win competitions; which puts them in a position to make deals, thereby ensuring their safety.

In hindsight, Dominic would have probably been better off working with Kalia instead of Keith when forming "The Regulators".  Like Lawon, Kalia has managed to stay under the radar.  That really comes in handy especially when you need the numbers to save you from eviction. 

My opinion of this season just got a lot better when host, Julie Chen, announced that House Guests would no longer be playing in pairs.  It would have been nice if the players receiving the Golden Key would have done more to earn it.  As it is, Daniele, Porsche and Shelly all got free rides in the house.  With players on their own now, things are bound to get more interesting.

The player to watch for, without any doubt, is Daniele.  Unlike Rachel or Jordan, Daniele is not afraid to make big moves early in the game.  What makes her dangerous is that she's not afraid of the power couples in the house, and unlike them, she REALLY knows how to play the game (finishing as runner up in Season 8).  She's just as good a competitor, which adds that extra edge.

I already heard that she won the HOH competition, so some heads will be rolling come the next Live Eviction.

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