Monday, December 20, 2010

Remembering Eli.

As Christmas draws near, like everyone else, I'm really excited at just about everything.  The good thing about being a grown up is that I get to buy my own toys; just to make up for the ones I didn't get as a kid.

In loving memory
This year, I'll take time to remember a dear friend of mine.  I've been friends with the Davis family for as long as I can remember, and so when Eli was born, I accepted him just as his family had accepted me.

His start was not easy by any means; he had a heart condition and was not even supposed to make it.  By the grace of God, he made it and I finally got to meet him when his family brought him to church.

I remember holding him in my arms; it seems like it was only yesterday (why don't I ever have a camera for moments like these?).  Just getting to bond with him, and looking forward to watching him grow.  That was really neat.

So about 4 years ago on Christmas Eve, all of us who knew him were saddened to learn of his passing the day before.  Some things just don't ever seem right.  In my mind, I'm wondering, "why so soon?"  I flashed back to the when I was holding him in my arms, and I wasn't even thinking that it would be the only time I'd ever see him.

When I think of him, I'll remember how at such a young age, he was fighting for his life; but he was not alone in his fight.  His time here was short, but he left us with memories to last a lifetime.  He is in a much better place now, so we need not worry.

This is a trying time for the Davis family, but I would want them to know that they are not alone.  Eli Ryan Davis lives!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Santa Claus at the airport.

With all these complaints about the TSA patdowns at airports, a local businessman (here in OKC) decided to have a TSA style themed decoration this christmas.  Basically, it's what good ol' Saint Nick would endure should he need to get on a plane.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, I wonder how much these would cost.  Enjoy.

I wonder how they can tell.

Now we'll know why Rudolph's nose is always red.

No exceptions!!

How much for the extra luggage?

Bear with me Santa, but it's standard procedure.

Anything up your sleeves?

Greatest band routine, ever?

Every now and then, marching bands will come up with some unique routines to get the crowds jumping.  For the most part, all band routines are tradition and some are very famous, such as "Script Ohio", where a special guest (the late Woody Hayes, Jack Nicklaus or a senior band member) gets to dot the "i". 

I recently saw this routine performed by the University of Hawai'i.  I'll give them maximum points for creativity.  Just when you think you've seen them all, someone's always pulling the rabbit out of a hat.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

One of the funniest commercials, EVER!!

If it hasn't occurred to you by now, I do watch too much TV.  What's more funny is that I don't have cable or satelite; nothing.  Just the regular network TV, which is kind of sad.  Unfortunately, the first step toward solving a problem is to admit it.  Oh, and by the way, those digital converter boxes are AWFUL!!!  If you ask me, the government should have just hooked up everyone with free basic cable. 

So I'm stuck with all the informercials, all the insurance commericals; y'know, the ones that target senior citizens and all that good stuff.  However, this one particular commercial caught my eye.  It comes on late at night and maybe early in the morning sometimes.  It gets me everytime and I've got to admit, it's as good as they come lately.

Yo Sal, why you trippin'?

Sal the Tripper
 I'm sure all of America by now, is aware of the antics of Sal Alosi, a staff member of the New York Jets.  In a city full of bright lights, sights and all the highlights, Sal Alosi wasn't about to left out of the headlines.

During Sunday's game against the Miami Dolphins, several replays showed him trip Nolan Carroll as he ran to cover a punt.  The player lay on the turf for a while, obviously injured from the fall, but was able to get up and walk off the field with some assistance from his coaches.

Initially, Sal was fined $25,000 and suspended for the rest of the season.  That suspension was upgraded to "indefinite", after the team got "new" information that he had instructed his players to form a wall; forcing a  player to have to run around it.  Had that been accomplished, what's to stop us from thinking that he would not have tripped a player running behind him?  I'm guessing that the purpose of this "wall" was to shield the cameras should the opportunity have presented itself. 

And according to Jets' player Jeff Cumberland, coach Alosi has summoned players to "form a wall" before, never giving them a reason why.  Now, if that's not mafioso, I need to enroll in a "crash course" pronto.  I know the mob might run the streets, but the sidelines?  C'mon man!!

Sal Alosi has apologized for his actions and reportedly even apologized to Nolan Carroll.  A lot of people have called for him to be fired, and rightfully so, if I might add.  What the Jets do from here on out only remains to be seen.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Is showboating overrated?

Every now and then, I'll drop by YouTube to check out some clips.  Of course, there are some clips that are kind of out there.  There are some that will just crack you up.  I saw one not too long ago, I just couldn't help but laugh.  Ladies and gentlemen, this is why sometimes showboating is overrated.  It's never a bad idea to save your best for when it matters most.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Multiply and fill the earth.

So I was watching "The Today Show", when the Duggar family came on and had an announcement to make.

In case you're not familiar with them, they are a nuclear family from Springdale, AR.  They are headed by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, and have a total of 19 children.  That's right, 19!!  Also all their children's names start with "J"; that must have been the "letter of the day" on Sesame Street.

Now, I'm not going to bash them or anything like that.  It is a blessing that they are able to have that many children and provide a loving home and stability for them; when you consider that there are some couples out there who’d give anything just to be able to have one child, without having to adopt.  Plus they named one of their children Josiah (namesake, yeay!!), and he also happens to be the 8th born (I’m the youngest of 8 children); I knew I had a twin somewhere.

The first time I had ever heard of the Duggar family, it was on the TLC show titled “17 kids and counting”.  At the end of the show, Jim and Michelle were expecting child number 18.  Then the sequel was “18 kids and counting” and it started with the family welcoming in the new addition, Jordyn-Grace.  Then toward the end of that show, they welcomed their 19th child, Josie Brooklyn, who was delivered by via emergency c-section (in my own defense, I didn’t watch it that far; I just read the news).

So back to the announcement; Josh (Jim and Michelle’s oldest child) and his wife Anna - accompanied by the entire family - were on “The Today Show” to announce that they were expecting their second child.  I hadn’t watched the show since the “19 kids” and whatnot, and I didn’t know they guy was married.  Then again, when I saw them on the show, I knew that another baby was on the way.  Congratulations to them and I wish Anna a successful pregnancy and a happy, healthy baby.

I’m going to go on a limb here; and say that maybe Vegas bookies need to get an “over/under” on the number of children by Josh and Anna.  Personally, I think they’ll have six maybe 7, but not more than nine.  That’s just me.  You, on the other hand, are on your own.

We should also petition the State of Arkansas to grant them permission to start their own town.  They could name it Duggarville, Duggartown, Duggarpalooza, Duggaritaville (the last one, I doubt, since they are a Christians), whatever have you.  The Duggars’ 19 children are only rivaled by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie; only because they adopt any child in sight.

Monday, October 25, 2010

New to this??

Howdy ya'll,
I want to welcome you to my blog.  I've thought about doing this for a while now, however I'm really new to this whole concept.  There are people who are experts and even do like video blogs and stuff like that.  I guess that will come with experience and time.

I think I kind of understand the concept of blogging; it's like keeping a personal diary or something like that.  I decided to call mine "blogamacallit", just because I would love to be open about topics I'd like to talk about.  These could range from, Learning languages, sports, reality tv shows, whatever have you.  Well, anything but politics; I prefer to discuss that over a cup of coffee.  I don't think I'll get sports specific, since I'm planning on opening another page for that and eventually a website.

I'm not sure how often I should blog; like once a week, everyday or what.  Also if you're kind enough to give me ideas of what to talk about, that would be nice to.  That is all I have to for today.  Let the journey begin.