Friday, July 22, 2011

Big Brother Update: Day 20 (2nd Live Eviction)

Cassi Colvin became the second House Guest to leave Big Brother after her fellow housemates voted 9-0 to evict her.  Not even ONE sympathy vote?  Not even from her "Regulator" buddies?  It's not like she would have survived eviction, but it would have been nice to know that someone had her back.

With Keith having been evicted the previous week, Danielle and Rachel decided to pull a "roadkill" move; and who better to throw under the bus than Cassi.  Rachel didn't like her (surprises, anyone?), and Danielle felt like it would be easier it manipulate Dominic if Cassi was absent.  

Having survived eviction, Shelly also received a "Golden Key", meaning her summer stay in the BB house has been extended for another two weeks.  Since she, Danielle and Porsche won't be the chopping block anytime soon, I have every reason to believe that Kalia will most likely be the next person gone.

Rachel once again became the HOH for the week, but I guess she still gets to eat slop?  Interesting.  Like I had mentioned in my previous articles, I'll do the best I can to stay away from the spoilers.  Stay tuned.

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