Rep. Chris Lee (NY) |
Happy trails to Representative Chris Lee, from New York's 26th congressional district. Lee, resigned from his post earlier this week when it was discovered that he had responded to a personal ad on Craigslist, in which he sent a shirtless photo of himself.
In his response, he claimed to be a 39 yr old divorced father of one and a Washington lobbyist. However, he still used his real name. The female recipient who searched his name and discovered his true identity; a 46 yr old married congressman and father of one. She turned over her correspondence with him to New York gossip blog, Gawker, who confirmed the facts, then let 'er rip.
I'm not the one to begrudge Mr. Lee a dual identity should he choose to seek one. He can do whatever he wants to in his spare time. He's accountable to his family and the people he represents. I'm no judge, so I'm passing on this. I also don't know what the etiquette is when responding to any dating ads for that matter, particularly on Craigslist. Come to think of it, is there anything good that comes out of Craigslist? Also, why not use a fake name or something? I'm just wondering. I mean, if you're going to do the "dual identity" thing, you go covert all the way.
A hunka, hunka burning love!! |
Hats off to you Mr. Lee, go on with your bad self!!!
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