Thursday, February 24, 2011

And the Oscar goes to.....

With the Oscar Awards being presented this Sunday, and all the nominees announced, there is one person out there who is making a late push for his consideration.

Chilean player Bryan Carrasco ought to earn an honorable mention for his antics.  With Chile trailing Ecuador 1-0, Carrasco grabbed his opponent's arm, using it to smack himself in the face; his sole intention of course was to get the guy sent off.  Unluckily for him, the referee was not impressed by his act, and gave free kick against him instead.  Ecuador went on to win the game.

Whatcha say about my mama?
Carrasco should have got tips from Italian player Marco Materazzi on how to get someone sent off.  For those unfamiliar with the story, Materazzi "provoked" French star Zinedine Zidane into headbutting him during the 2006 World Cup Final, by saying some not so flattering things about Zidane's mother and sister.  Zidane earned a red card and Italy went on to win the World Cup.

Maybe when his football career is over, he should consider switching to acting; he looks like he's got some talent.  For your entertainment, check out the video below.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The real King of the Hill.

Brady bunch ain't got nothing on this dude

Now I had thought that I had seen it all; but to quote Frank Sinatra, " you ain't seen nothing yet!!"  You've seen the sitcoms  The Brady Bunch and Step by Step which was kind of like a Brady bunch with a twist on it.  You've also heard of King Solomon with his 700 wives and 300 concubines.

The kind of lineup that would the Bachelor blush.
However in this modern day and age, I've got to hand it to Mr. Ziona Chana from Baktwang village in Mizoram, India.  This man has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grand children.  There's a reason why they would never cast him on The Bachelor; because he'd probably marry all the 25 contestants.  I'm speechless, so I'll let you read his story and come up with your own conclusion.


Why it REALLY helps to read your Bible.

I'm sure I won't be the first person to write about this story, nor will I be the last one.  I'm only writing because I just happened to see it not too long ago, so I might as well have a go at it.

The gentleman pictured above, decided to let the world know about his feelings on homosexuality by tattooing the Bible verse Leviticus 18:22 (which speaks against the act) on his arm.  I'm sure there's more to the story as to how he came about that decision, but since I don't know what it is, I won't get into it.  However, to quote the verse via the New International Version (I usually read the King James Version), it says:

Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.

However, I'm sure someone should have pointed to him (or maybe has by now) that he should have kept on reading through to Leviticus 19:28 which states: (American King James version)

You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks on you: I am the LORD.

In summary, that verse forbids tattoos; I don't think that it can get clearer than that.  When you're reading the Bible, you don't "pick and choose" what you'll obey and what you won't.  I don't think I need to explain any further.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

For the love of Lara!!

My sympathies go out to CBS reporter Lara Logan, who suffered a brutal beating and sexual assault at the hands of a "dangerous element" within a mob in Tahrir Square.  It is my understanding that this incident happened last Friday.  I'm glad that she is back and recovering in the U.S.

This is, unfortunately, one of about 140 incidents of attacks on reporters since the protests in Cairo began.  It is really sad because these people are only trying to do their jobs.  They were only trying to shed light to the plight of the Egyptian people.  What makes things worse is that journalists are usually an easy target, because they almost always have to be in the crowd when covering a story.

I really wish CBS wouldn't have allowed her to go back, especially after she and two CBS cameramen had been detained by the Egyptian military during their initial visit.  You obviously don't hope for things like this to happen, but she's reported from the streets of Baghdad and came back alright.  So maybe you'd expect a little more from the Egyptian crowd, whom among many of their grievances, was "freedom of the the press", or lack thereof.

It is really shameful and I hope that sooner or later, preferably sooner (REAL SOON!!), justice will be served on behalf of all these reporters who suffered in the line of duty.


R.I.P Ahmed Mohammed Mahmoud (36)

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Ripple Effect: No misery in Misri.

The sound of one man's cry gave voice to a revolution that started in Tunisia, toppling the reign of Abidine Ben Ali, and spread through into Egypt, culminating in the sudden end of Hosni Mubarak's 30 year reign.

Tahrir Square

The 21st century calls for not only a new style leadership, but a more modern style of thinking.  Autocracy has no place in this new era; never has and never will.

The MOST important message is that you can not hold on to power when the masses are starving, jobless and homeless.  You can do the right thing, give people their freedoms and inalienable rights.

Give them jobs, raise their standard of living, educate them for crying out loud.  When you die, you die a hero.

Ben Ali & Mubarak a.k.a The Playa haters.

Or you could suppress the masses; and live long enough to become a villain.  What's your pick?  Door #1, or Door #2.

R.I.P Mohamed Bouazizi (1984-2011)

Give the people a voice, listen to them when they speak; and maybe they will listen when you speak.

Fail to study your history, and you will fail; period.  When the people rise together as ONE, they become an unstoppable, immovable FORCE!!  The will of the people can not be defeated, for it is mightier than any weapon!!

To Mohamed Bouazizi: even in death, your memory will live on.  In the years to come, people may forget you (as some are bound to), but history will NEVER forget you.

Lee-ving so soon?

Rep. Chris Lee (NY)
Happy trails to Representative Chris Lee, from New York's 26th congressional district.  Lee, resigned from his post earlier this week when it was discovered that he had responded to a personal ad on Craigslist, in which he sent a shirtless photo of himself.

In his response, he claimed to be a 39 yr old divorced father of one and a Washington lobbyist.  However, he still used his real name.  The female recipient who searched his name and discovered his true identity; a 46 yr old married congressman and father of one.  She turned over her correspondence with him to New York gossip blog, Gawker, who confirmed the facts, then let 'er rip.

I'm not the one to begrudge Mr. Lee a dual identity should he choose to seek one.  He can do whatever he wants to in his spare time.  He's accountable to his family and the people he represents.  I'm no judge, so I'm passing on this.  I also don't know what the etiquette is when responding to any dating ads for that matter, particularly on Craigslist.  Come to think of it, is there anything good that comes out of Craigslist?  Also, why not use a fake name or something?  I'm just wondering.  I mean, if you're going to do the "dual identity" thing, you go covert all the way.

A hunka, hunka burning love!!
To his credit, it looks like Chris Lee works out and takes good care of himself.  He's not looking too bad for his age; in fact he's in a much better shape than kids half his age.  That's just real talk.  While I'm not condoning his actions, I think that there's a lot of people who could learn something from him.  The big lesson here is that if you're going to be caught in a compromising situation, at least look good while you're at.

Hats off to you Mr. Lee, go on with your bad self!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cometh the Super Bowl, cometh the commercials.

As football fan, I'm always looking forward to the Super Bowl.  I join some friends of mine who put together a cook out, y'know, all that good stuff.  Then I sit back and enjoy the game.  In between that, I'm looking forward to the commercials.  Not all the commercials are great, but every now and then, there will be some good ones.  I would vote "Volkswagen Commercial: The Force" as the best one this year, bar none.  Just watch.